July 16, 2016

Who gets to decide what is right and what is wrong?

Life is full of grey areas. What is wrong for me might be right for you.
Recently there have been so many incidents where I have judged people, as I am known to do. Then that person meets a sorry fate and I am one of those who are blamed. Everyone decides that the sorry fate was met because of people like us who judge. But who decides till what level is the judging okay?
There have been many women from Pakistan who break the internet by their glamour and deeds (read: questionable acts). Again what’s questionable for me might just be harmless entertainment for you. But like you judged it to be entertainment, who took away my right to judge the act as questionable?
Then surface the posts that say, poor girl, although previously the same people said, just go die. What hypocrisy! I cannot understand this! Why can’t people stand by what they said. Or what you said has no significance for you? (then why should it have any significance for anyone else? Why should you ever be heard?) Does her meeting a sorry fate mean she was never wrong? Does her fate now tell you that you can’t judge her anymore and have to think of her as a victim?
There’s a chunk of this population who says we are the ones who killed her, those who judged. The society is the one who killed her. But I am part of this society and I am no murderer. I don’t hold those insane patriarchal notions that say its ok for a brother to kill for the honour of their family. I don’t believe its Islamic at all to kill for honour or to kill period.
Here comes the paragraph full of judging: I don’t believe the brother has any honour left. Heck, there is a murderer in their family now, where’s the honour? Also, why is the honour always with the girls, the wives and the daughters anyway when they keep losing it? That’s just plain stupid and I know no one’s listening.
Then again I heard people say judging made the rebel groups. Because they ‘judged’ others to be wrong. So choosing a side seems to be what judging really is. So as long as you don’t choose a side you are correct and you are safe. Here, what might be correct for you is cowardness for me. What is safe for you, is gutless for me.
For me it’s the voices that matter. Voices go unheard too many times as well but for me it shows that your heart is in the right place. For me people can trust you for calling out a spade for a spade. I respect people for saying it as it is, no matter how the words might sting.
Even if now when the world has turned into such an abominable place, even now if you choose to not pick a side, then I’m really sorry to say you have unconsciously chosen the side of the oppressor. I really hope that someday people realize what wrong they are doing when they refuse to choose a side. I judge you and I pronounce you a Kufi.
P.S. You judge me too for judging others.

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